Don't Say No to SEO
SEO is so important to your business. Skipping out on search engine optimization can cost you sales and possibly even your business! Read mo
How Influencers Are Influencing You
Influencer marketing is where the influencer and the brand meet in the middle. It’s the collaboration between the two in order to put your p
The Chatty ChatBot For You
Learn how ChatBots can benefit you and YOUR business today! What IS a chatbot? Read our blog today to find out more and choose the right Cha
Get Ahead of Marketing Trends in 2019
The future of marketing in 2019 is here! Here are the latest marketing trends that will make it big in the future! Learn more today before y
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Marketing
Augmented and Virtual Reality are the future of marketing. If you haven't checked them out as a tool for your business, now is the time!
So Blog About It
If you are reading this then you may already realize the importance of blogs! In the beginning, there was dial-up and blogs were...
Email Marketing is Alive and Well
As I have discovered, most people have pronounced email marketing as dead and deceased without even checking it's pulse. It's not dead at...
Top 10 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media
Everyone we know is on social media. Your friends, your local businesses, your mom and even grandma logs in to check on you and tell you...
Young Facebook Users Say Bye Felicia
If you haven’t heard but may have noticed is Facebook users are dropping off by the 1,000’s this year. If you are 25 and under, you may...
Marketing Rule of 7's
Effective Amount of Marketing How much communication does it take for marketers to influence a potential customer? This is the question that